About the Author
Dr. phil. Gundula Wolter is a freelance fashion historian, fashion theorist and author. 1993 doctorate at the Art History Institute of the FU Berlin. 1998-2008 Visiting professor at the Berlin University of the Arts in the team of Vivienne Westwood and at the weißensee kunsthochschule berlin. Founding member and from 2010–2019 first chairwoman of netzwerk mode textil (www.netzwerk-mode-textil.de), Interessenvertretung der kulturwissenschaftlichen Textil-, Kleider- und Modeforschung e.V. (registered association: network fashion textile. Promoting and supporting the study of the history and theory of textiles, dress and fashion).
Books by the author: Die Verpackung des männlichen Geschlechts. Eine illustrierte Kulturgeschichte der Hose, Marburg 1988 (1. ed.), Hosen, weiblich. Kulturgeschichte der Frauenhose, Marburg 1994; Teufelshörner und Lustäpfel. Modekritik in Wort und Bild 1150–1620, Marburg 2002; Ridikül! Mode in der Karikatur 1600–1900 (co-editor A. Rasche), Berlin/Köln 2003; Ingrid Loschek: Reclams Mode- und Kostümlexikon (6. ed., extended and revised), Stuttgart 2011. Numerous contributions to books, conference proceedings and catalogues.
For more information, see www.gundula-wolter.de